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Munin plugin for CrowdSec
While switching my server to an ARM based instance, I took the time to migrate from fail2ban to CrowdSec. I still use Munin as a basic metric system, because it satisfies my personal requirements and there is no need to setup a more complex Ecosystem like Prometheus/Grafana on my private server. While Munin offers a ... Weiterlesen
Install Teamspeak Server on Debian ARM
I migrated my server to an ARM64 based instance because those are cheaper and deliver the level of performance I need. Apple and others offer ARM based Laptops since a few years, the Multiarch support is wide spread these days and common software is available for the ARM architecture as well. While migrating I realized ... Weiterlesen
Python script to check DNSRBLs for IP address listing
In order to mitigate spam, most email servers use on or the other DNS-based Blackhole List to check if the sender IP address is known for sending spam emails. While migrating my data to another server, I discovered that I check my own IP addresses with a shell script which acts as a wrapper around ... Weiterlesen