Munin plugin for CrowdSec

While switching my server to an ARM based instance, I took the time to migrate from fail2ban to CrowdSec. I still use Munin as a basic metric system, because it satisfies my personal requirements and there is no need to setup a more complex Ecosystem like Prometheus/Grafana on my private server. While Munin offers a ... Weiterlesen

Linux/Python: Block countries with iptables

The amount of attacks against certain services running on my server raised from year to year. This isn't something unusual, it's quite normal for internet facing common application like SSH, Mailservers or WordPress. There are some countries which have some facts in common. I have no normal visitors from those countries, but get a lot ... Weiterlesen

SSH Server Upload Speed Limit

Some daemon processes which handle user connections don't have an internal mechanism to limit the bandwidth. One popular example is OpenSSH. In theory SFTP could eat up all the bandwidth available, which is especially bad for home connections, since a fully utilized uplink is sometimes worse than a fully utilized downlink. In order to apply ... Weiterlesen

Bash ~/.bashrc, /etc/profile

Die folgende Grafik verdeutlicht welche Bash Konfigurationsdateien verwendet und geladen werden. Grundsätzlich ist das davon abhängig ob es sich von um eine interactive shell handelt, welche Paramter verwendet werden und ob es eine login shell ist. Source

NTP Stratum 2 installieren und konfigurieren (ntp.conf)

Da immer mehr Geräte an das Internet angeschlossen sind, steigt die Anzahl der NTP Queries kontinuierlich an. Manche Hersteller wie Microsoft oder Apple stellen den Usern eigene Zeitserver zu Verfügung, aber viele andere Entwickler, Hersteller oder Provider nutzen frei zugängliche NTP Pools um die Uhrzeit synchronisieren zu lassen. Dazu zählen Linux Distributionen, DSL Router, Kabel ... Weiterlesen