Install Teamspeak Server on Debian ARM

I migrated my server to an ARM64 based instance because those are cheaper and deliver the level of performance I need. Apple and others offer ARM based Laptops since a few years, the Multiarch support is wide spread these days and common software is available for the ARM architecture as well. While migrating I realized ... Weiterlesen

Debian 12 Bookworm - Install PHP 7.4

Debian Bookworm ships PHP version 8.2. Unfortunately there is still software which requires PHP 7.4. One prominent example would be Owncloud. If you need to install PHP 7.4 on Debian 12 there is a pretty easy way to do so. Use the official package maintainers repository for PHP. Using the repository of him directly allows ... Weiterlesen

Debian 11 - DNS test DoT and DoH with dig

If you maintain a DNS resolver, you need to test different protocols these days. DoT (TLS), DoH (HTTPS) and regular DNS via UDP and TCP are all subjects of a modern resolver. Unfortunately unbound and dig on Debian Bullseye both come without DoH support. Either the version is too old or the necessary compile flags ... Weiterlesen

Debian 10 - PHP / Matomo GeoIP2 Installation

The old GeoIP legacy release (aka. GeoIPCity.dat) has been deprecated and doesn't receive updates for quit some time. It will get removed from Matomo with the next major release.If you would like to have accurate location detection in Matomo / Piwik the new GeoIP2 module should be used. Since Debian Buster doesn't ship it with ... Weiterlesen

Autostart (Init-Script) für Teamspeak3

Um Teamspeak3 automatisch zu starten benötigt man ein Init-Script oder ein Systemd Unit-file. Da Teamspeak3 über das mitgelieferte Init-Script immer im Kontext des Users gestartet wird der das Script aufruft, ist es nicht geeignet um direkt beim Booten ausgeführt zu werden, da der User in diesem Fall root ist. Unter Debian/Ubuntu kann die Lösung so ... Weiterlesen