Fritzbox DynDNS: nicht zu empfehlen

Nachdem ich meine neue Fritzbox erhalten habe, ging es ans Einrichten.In den DynDNS Einstellungen sind einige Anbieter vorkonfiguriert, darunter Da es sich um einen Anbieter aus Deutschland handelt, habe ich mir dort einen Account angelegt und die Fritzbox entsprechend konfiguriert. Nach ca. 2 Wochen kommt die Ernüchterung mit folgender E-Mail: ...Zu Ihrer Sicherheit wird ... Weiterlesen

Alexa Shopping list items to TickTick

Update: IFTTT has native TickTick support now.Just visit Since Wunderlist is shutting down it's service a lot of users might search for a new shopping list app. For us TickTick was the best fit....but it doesn't offer an Alexa skill for every language - only english. While I'm writing this blogpost in English my ... Weiterlesen

SSH Server Upload Speed Limit

Some daemon processes which handle user connections don't have an internal mechanism to limit the bandwidth. One popular example is OpenSSH. In theory SFTP could eat up all the bandwidth available, which is especially bad for home connections, since a fully utilized uplink is sometimes worse than a fully utilized downlink. In order to apply ... Weiterlesen

Debian 10 - PHP / Matomo GeoIP2 Installation

The old GeoIP legacy release (aka. GeoIPCity.dat) has been deprecated and doesn't receive updates for quit some time. It will get removed from Matomo with the next major release.If you would like to have accurate location detection in Matomo / Piwik the new GeoIP2 module should be used. Since Debian Buster doesn't ship it with ... Weiterlesen

Host a Jupyter / Python generated Plotly chart

One thing I do often is generating charts with Jupyter. Common ways to do that with a Python kernel is to use Matplotlib or Plotly. I'm a Plotly user. The challenge today was to host a Python generated chart for usage in a website. In this particular case it is a S3 bucket, but it ... Weiterlesen